And a Merry Christmas to One and All!

I Love Christmas!!!

This year, I'm so blessed to spend Christmas in my new home, with my loved ones.

I had to work on Christmas Eve still, so after work, D and I went down to Heartland Mall to collect the roasted turkey from Cold Storage.

Mind you, the pamphlet picture looks ready to eat. But it comes vacuum-packed and bloody and everything, so you need to roast it over low heat (around 180 C) for almost an hour to get the beautiful golden tan (see picture).

D and I then came home and cooked the rest of the stuff - minestrone soup, spaghetti, potato salad (he's very good at it! has perfected it in fact, hey, he's been at it for what, 14 years? started cooking at 10.... not bad...).

So Christmas dinner was lovely and scrumptious and we ate till we popped.

Then there was Bryan's Jelly Hearts for dessert which was perfect!!

I spent the Eve wrapping presents in semi-darkness, so Recipients, if you're wondering why the quality has dropped, or if there's been QC in the presentations department, hey, try wrapping QUIETLY while a 2-year-old's asleep and you're trying not to wake her (despite rustling of wrapper and tearing of scotchtape - a BIG challenge).

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